

The TankSave the Tank

In the gray dirt hills of northwestern Colorado lies a world-class acoustic space known as the Tank, where musicians have been recording and listening since the 1970s.  It’s now in danger of being sold for scrap.  Myself and a team of sound artists and musicians are raising funds via Kickstarter to save it from this fate.  Please help pass on the word, and contribute if you can.
I’ve had the pleasure of playing and recording there myself, I can attest:  it is a very special place.  The resonance that I’ve absorbed in that space is something I carry with me; it informs my understanding of sound, of soundmaking, of listening, of music.
Please visit to learn more, and to hear music recorded there. The campaign ends March 31, 2013.

BASE member Andrea Williams has several upcoming events:

  • March 19th: Duo w/Dan Joseph @ Experimental Intermedia, 224 Centre Street at Grand, Third Floor, NYC
  • March 21st: Solo performance and Artist Q&A @ Musical Ecologies Series, Old Stone House, 336 Third Street, bet. 4th/5th Avenues, Brooklyn, NYC
  • Launch Date TBA: Through the Golden Gate: MP3 Audio tour launch event and Artist Q&A for the Golden Gate District, @ P.L.A.C.E., Oakland, CA

Nature Sounds Society – upcoming acoustic ecology related events:

NSS Annual Tech Talk – learn basics of field recording and try out gear.
Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM at Dan Dugan Sound Design.
NSS 29th Annual Field Recording Workshop – Yuba Pass, California – June 21-23, 2013
Multiple field and hands-on nature recording workshop sessions, overnight in tent cabins.
Featured speakers will be Lang Elliott and Marie Read.  Always an excellent time.

Got ideas?

If you’ve got ideas for an upcoming BASEbot, please let us know.

 – Jeremiah Moore

Several BASE folks are travelling to Albuquerque New Mexico later this month for ISEA2012 Machine Wilderness, the Eighteenth International Symposium on Electronic Art.

In the event you’ll be there, we’d love to see you! Here’s where to find us:


Andrea Williams will be giving an artist talk on Soundwalks and Urban Sound Ecology.

Friday, Sept 21, 9:25am at Hotel Albuquerque, Fireplace Room.

Andrea’s site:

Gas Well, Northwest New MexicoJeremiah Moore will be presenting a new work “Listen Toward the Ground” a participatory self-guided excursion into a virtual soundscape of exposed oil production processes, superimposed on the downtown streets. Hovering between interpretive audio tour, soundscape composition and phychogeographic exploration.

You’ll be able to do the tour anytime by downloading the audio to your own player. But why not be social? Come by our table at the Downtown Block Party by 516arts, amidst art cars, food trucks, and various performances.

Downtown Block Party
Sunday Sept 23, 4pm – 8pm
Central Ave between 4th and 6th streets.

Intel Education Day / Downtown Block Party on ISEA2012 website

Downtown Block Party on the organizers website

When ready, audio for your own device will be downloadable here on the BASE website.

Another Acoustic Ecology presence, our colleague Andrea Polli, formerly of New York Society for Acoustic Ecology, is the artistic director of ISEA2012.

A film about her work is screening Friday 9/21 between 9:00am and 5:00pm as part of “LOOPED SCREENING: ISEA2012 Documentary Films: Observation and Interventions” at Albuquerque Museum’s Gem Theater.

Andrea Polli will also be part of the ISEA2012 Education Forum on Sunday, Sept 23, 3:15pm – 5:30pm at Hotel Andaluz, Majoraca Room


For Earth Day 2009, Seed Magazine has produced an audio slideshow called Ear to the Ground, featuring the work of our recent BASEbot presenter Gordon Hempton, and our colleagues from New York Society for Acoustic Ecology Jonny Farrow, Edmund Mooney and Andrea Polli.

Seed Magazine Slideshow: Ear to the Ground

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