Chinese Whispers Bay Chronicles at Maritime National Historic Park Visitors Center, San Francisco, November 2015
A video and multichannel sound installation about the forgotten history of Chinese shrimp fishing around San Francisco Bay. Â A project by Rene Yung in collaboration with Jeremiah Moore (Sound) and Chihiro Wimbush (Video).
Semi-abstract filmed images from the Grace Quan sailings (short video about) to former Chinese shrimping camp sites and fishing grounds are projected on curved fabric scrim material, the shape and scale of which evokes a boat’s sail. Surround 5.1 ambient sound transports the audience, while a tactile transducer in a bench seat renders physical the material processes of shrimping on the San Francisco Bay.
At San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park
November 14, 2015 – January 10, 2016
9:30 AM – 5:00 PM Daily
Sound artist: Jeremiah Moore
Video artist: Chihiro Wimbush
Set Install: Terrance Graven